转载自“浙江癫痫论坛” 作者:王爽,Norman So
我们总结了最近十五年国际上iEEG的研究进展。文章刊登于今年6月份的Neuroscience Bulletin。与大家分享并请同道们指正。
Advances of Intracranial Electroencephalography in Localizing the Epileptogenic Zone.
Intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) provides the best precision in estimating the location and boundary of an epileptogenic zone. Analysis of iEEG in the routine EEG frequency range (0.5-70 Hz) remains the basis in clinical practice. Low-voltage fast activity is the most commonly reported ictal onset pattern in neocortical epilepsy, and low-frequency high-amplitude repetitive spiking is the most commonly reported ictal onset pattern in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Recent studies using wideband EEG recording have demonstrated that examining higher (80-1000 Hz) and lower (0.016-0.5 Hz) EEG frequencies can provide additional diagnostic information and help to improve the surgical outcome. In addition, novel computational techniques of iEEG signal analysis have provided new insights into the epileptic network. Here, we review some of these recent advances. Although these sophisticated and advanced techniques of iEEG analysis show promise in localizing the epileptogenic zone, their utility needs to be further validated in larger studies.
Neurosci Bull. 2016 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]